infinite nature i am

One to One Non Dual / Master Creator / Matrix Mastery Guidence

Areas of individual guidence

” I am a movement and a rest” – Jesus

Non Dual Guidence

The overlooking of ones True Nature has become an ingrained habit and many are now feeling a longing for Truth and Wholeness – and the discovery of ones True Self, often refererred to as Self realization.

Self realization is often followed by a period of a seeming “going in-and-out” of our True Being. Therefore, we can face a new set of challenges and invitations into personhood as we seek to stabilize and integrate our True Self into our current mind-body continuum.

Contact Jakob for an one-to-one conversation for Self realization, deepening of integration and fine tuning alingment with the True Self.

Master Creator Guidence

We are either unconscious or conscious creators of our reality. Weather we are aware of it or not, we create the world around us and shape our own lived experience. The view of reality held by the collective – or majority of the human avatars – shapes the overall reality experience.

Learn how to become a Master Creator of your current life circumstances and how to become an active participant in re-balancing this whole particular realm.

The fact that you are on this website and reading this indicates the reason why your human experience is taking place here and now. You have a unique specific purpose here – find out what it is.

Matrix Mastery Guidence

“It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society”

-Jiddu Krishnamurti

Is there a feeling that what we thought were things we could rely on in the relative world seem to be crumbling apart and the very foundation of society is on very shaky grounds?

Do you still experience yourself caught in a web of rules and regulations from the outside world that is ever dimishing your personal and financial freedom? Does it feel like other beings, environments, work etc drain your energy with little return?

The discovery of your true Self in itself does not automatically provide the answer to these questions and we can still find ourselves in a confusing and limiting life experience even after Self realization has taken place and especially after the initial “honeymoon of awakening” has passed and ordinary life continues.

Gain insight to how to free yourself from wasting your energy serving a unhealthy system that we find ourselves in currently and turn your current human experience into a life of service to the Infinite Loving Being in abslolute freedom and abundance in your day-to-day relative life.

About Jakob

A deep sense of inner knowing and intuitive guidence has always been with Jakob, even since early childhood. Self realization took place in 2011 and he has since deepened and integrated this with the current embodiment.

Having done deep research for about twenty years into the true nature of the relative realm as well, Jakob offers individualized guidence into how to make use of certain insights and tools to maximize the utilization of our current human experience for a life of freedom, abundance, joy and creativity.

Jakob have been practicing and teaching holistic architecture and natural building in different parts of the world and although the architectural practice have taken a backseat and the Non dual guidence have become the main focus, Jakobs love for architecture remain.


Jakob in conversation with David Bingham

Donation options

Individual donations is what enables Jakob to continue to be of service. 

As a general guideline, donations are 100 USD for a session. A session usually lasts for somewhere between one to two hours depending on the nature of the conversation.

If you are struggeling financially, please contact Jakob and find a way to recieve guidence that works for your current financial situation.

In case you do have the means to do so, please consider making a donation that helps those who are lacking the funds so that they can recieve guidence dispite their economic difficulties. You can mark the donation with “financial aid” or similar. 

Thank you

Nature is visible Spirit

Spirit is invisible Nature

Friedrich Schelling

infinite nature i am

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